18th Guru M.L. Koser Award Ceremony 2023

All eminent persoanlities on satage after honoring with Guru ML Koser Award along with Secretary Sh. Sajal Koser and Registrar Guru Shobha Koser

18th Guru M.L. Koser Award Ceremony

Pt. Narendra nath Dhar being honored with Koser award

Pt. narendra nath Dhar performing sarod recital accomapnied by Pt. Swaraj Bhattacharya on Tabla after award ceremony

Pt. Swapan Shiva alsong with his daughter and disciple rimap Shiva performing after award ceremony

Pt. Swapan Shiva was also honored with Guru ML Koser Award

Pt. Swaraj Bhattacharya was also honored with Guru ML Koser Award

Pt. Shyamal Chatterjee was also honoed with Guru M.L. Koser Award

Prof Chandradipa Ghosh, HOnble VC, Mahatma gandhi University, Medinipur was the Guest of Honor on this occasion. She was honored by Guru Shobha Koser

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