17th Guru M.L. Koser Award Ceremony 2022

Students performing after honoring ceremony

Guru Maa Dr. Shobha Koser along with Secretary Sh. Sajal Koser honoring the Chief Guest Sh. Vinit Goenka , National Spokesman BJP

Guru Maa Dr. Shobha Koser along with Secretary Sh. Sajal Koser honoring the Chief Guest Sh. Vinit Goenka , National Spokesman BJP

Chief Guest Sh. VINit Goenka honoring Sh. Ghulam Haider

Chief Guest Sh. VINit Goenka honoring Sh. Zameer Ahmed with 17th Guru M.L. Koser Award

Chief Guest Sh. VINit Goenka honoring Ustad Manju Khan with 17th Guru M.L. Koser Award

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